Thursday, January 24, 2008


8 Reasons Why You'll Want to Keep Your FSBO Marketing Program a Secret

8 Reasons Why You'll Want to Keep Your FSBO Marketing Program a Secret

If you're anything like me, you probably love to brag and tell people including your co-workers, how well you're doing. It's only human nature. But if you're currently marketing to For Sale by Owners (FSBOs) or about to start your program, here are some good reasons for keeping your efforts under wraps and cloaked in secrecy:

1. For Sale by Owner marketing is a niche with very little competition. What has always amazed me is...why almost all loan officers, originators, and mortgage brokers avoid this part of the market like the plague.'s like going fishing and knowing full well that the pond is just over flowing with lots of keepers...and, you're the only fisherman for miles around.

2. For Sale by Owner marketing is less intimidating if you're new to the mortgage business. As a "newbie" would you feel more comfortable calling on Realtors/Agents or FSBOs? I'll let you answer that question.

3. For Sale by Owner marketing allows you to become an expert in a niche marketing area very quickly. You can easily become known as the FSBO person in your area and the expert that people seek out for advice and information.

4. For Sale by Owner marketing is an absolute great way to generate a never ending supply of inexpensive purchase mortgage leads.

5. For Sale by Owner marketing is extremely low cost. I like to refer to it as..."a low budget method of marketing."

6. For Sale by Owner marketing provides you with purchase money mortgage leads without Realtor and Agent involvement and all of the schmoozing that's normally required to get their business.

7. For Sale by Owner marketing drastically shortens the normal mortgage sales cycle resulting in a filled pipeline and most importantly, quicker commission dollars in your pocket!

8. For Sale by Owner marketing builds quality relationships with Realtor/Agents on your terms and conditions and most importantly, when you want them. You are in total control...not the Realtor/Agent.

As a Corporate Mortgage Trainer, I always introduced my students to For Sale by Owner marketing in this way:

"Put into motion your FSBO marketing program immediately...concentrate on it...learn the program from A to Z...improve on it...add your personality to it...make it your area of expertise...brand yourself as a knowledgeable FSBO expert...and, you'll have more mortgage business than you can ever handle. As a result, you'll find yourself among a very elite group of loan originators...and, you can laugh about it all the way to the bank."

Just as a reminder, keep your For Sale by Owner marketing program a secret. Here's to your continued mortgage marketing success.

Tom Domin is the author of "Tom's Mortgage Tips" a twice monthly Mortgage Newsletter that is geared for Mortgage Professionals. You can sign-up by visiting Blog97771
Florry Blog50680

8 Tips To Guarantee Success With Your Online Business

In order to succeed online, you must be prepared to follow some key steps which will help you develop your business.

A lot of self discipline is required if you are to become successful with your business. So, what actions must you take in order to successfully build your business?

1. Communicate with your business team (up line and down line) on a regular basis. This is very important if you want to develop your business. Building relationships with your team members is very important in internet marketing. Keep in regular contact with your up line and down line and also your prospects on a regular basis by email. This is important for sharing ideas and tips and also for encouraging your down line team members who may have limited experience in internet marketing.

2. Take care of your prospects. Your prospects or your 'list' are an important asset for your business. It is therefore very important for you to keep in touch with them, and also offer any free tips you may have. This will help to build trust with them. In the long term, your prospects will become your customers.

3. Be persistent. If you want to be successful with your internet marketing business, you must be determined to work towards your goals regardless of any setbacks you may encounter.

4. Work hard to develop your business. You must not expect to be instantly successful with your business. You must be prepared to apply the necessary effort and time to grow your business. This means that everyday you must take an action towards building your business.

5. Allocate a budget to develop your online business. There is a common myth that you can make money online without any investment. If you want to succeed online, you must have some capital to use to market your website. For you to succeed, your website will need some visitors, and you must allocate some capital towards the different strategies for driving traffic to your website.

6. Promote your business aggressively. The internet is a huge place, and you must therefore do extensive marketing to build your website. Select the marketing strategies that you will use for your business. It is also a good idea to do some offline marketing. Once you have identified the marketing strategies you want to use for your business; use them consistently.

7. Keep on learning about the different ways to build your business. The internet is very dynamic, so that means you must keep on learning about current techniques and tools for building your business.

8. Believe in your success. If you want to succeed with your online business, you must believe that you can achieve that success. If you visualize your success, you will be driven towards achieving your goals of becoming successful. If you believe in your success you will also work hard without and set high goals for yourself, and you will not easily give up.

By simply following the above guidelines, you can achieve any success you want with your online business. Grow your online business and be wealthy!

Roy Huston is an Internet Marketer and is a member of Success University. He is currently earning his Scholar Certification at the University. Visit Success University at Blog17655
Victoria Blog43456

Networking & Business Advertising - Soft Sell or Hard Sell?

Imagine being able to reach 1000s of business people for the fraction of the cost associated with general advertising. Well now you can use online networking platforms dedicated to businesses.

Many online platforms have dedicated areas where business people can advertise their services for free once they are a paying member. In Ecademy we have Marketplace which was a lot more powerful when the adverts were shown on the front page than it is now.

The best way to start on these sites is to participate in the discussion on the blogs page and slowly work your way towards advertising your wares in their marketplace. There is nothing worse than to join a site, plaster it with adverts for a few weeks and then leave never to be heard of again!

The worst thing you can do is to advertise your business in areas that are designated for blogging only. In Ecademy we have the Blogs area where it is OK to talk about business and non business related issues but is frowned upon by the members when they create what is known as a "blogvert" - in essence this is a shameless plug which makes almost no attempt at hiding the advert for their products.

Most of these sites promote "soft selling "as opposed to "hard selling" tactics.

In a nutshell what this means is that when you join do not blast your proposition to each and every member but rather try and entice them into asking about your business and what you can do for them. Do not be too pushy or manipulative. Realise that most people who join these platforms have also got businesses and that they will be trying to make contacts with potential buyers as well.

I believe in the theory of random connections. Basically what I mean by this is that one should not purely base their networking on the basis of potential business but rather focus on making decent connections and contacts. Strive to help other people and you never know who might in turn return the favour... if not now maybe in many years to come.

The art of online networking is to not to expect too much too quickly. The benefits will accrue over time and many years. Some people make the mistake of trying online networking for a few weeks and then giving up because they did not achieve any positive results. It takes time to build trust amongst other members especially the long serving ones who have seen many new people come and go.

I first tried my hand at online networking in June 2006 and quickly realised that normal rules of business do not apply. The best way to enjoy yourself on these types of platforms is to try and make friends. Business will come later... and rest assured it will come if you participate in the blogs and clubs.

Be enthusiastic and helpful, listen and join in the discussions but beware... do not let online networking take over from normal day to day business chores that still have to be carried out. It is far too easy to change networking to notworking!

Do you know any other platforms that allow businesses to advertise their wares? How has your experience been so far of business networking platforms? Have you got any tips for "newbies"?

Naz Daud is the Founder of the CityLocal Internet Business Franchise Opportunity.Violetta Blog65830
Fanya Blog11210

7 Benefits You Will Enjoy By Starting A Home Based Business Today

There is no question the internet has changed the business world, forever, and in many ways for the better.

Because of the many rewards that starting a home based business offers, more and more people are searching for ways to leave the rat race, spend more time with their families and lead a lucrative, freedom filled lifestyle.

Working from home can offer all of the above, with hard work and persistence. Just do not expect instant riches.

Here are some of the benefits you can expect from starting a successful home based business.

1. Feel More Freedom - There is no greater feeling than knowing you have an endless amount of freedom with your job. Starting a home based business gives you all the power and freedom to go with your business as you choose to. I personally, work when I choose. I work my own hours and if I want to take a day off I don't need to phone the boss.

2. Choose Your Own Business - Having the freedom to do what you want also includes you being able to choose what type of home based business you would like to start. While you have the power to choose anything you want, obviously you do want to pick a business that has potential. Try and start a home business that you are interested in and also has appeal from society.

3. Create Your Own Schedule - When you start your home based business, you have the power of creating your schedule. There is no question that starting a home business requires a great deal of time and effort to build it up. However, you can now take those family vacations whenever you want, and you can stay longer if you want as well.

4. Less Stress - Everything that has been mentioned thus far seems to be stress free, and that is one of the biggest advantages people find with starting a work from home business. You may encounter stress getting the business going since you are the boss, the marketer, the writer, and salesman. However, you can go at your own pace and set your own deadlines, which takes a great load of stress off of your back.

5. No Commuting or Work Uniforms - Although this may seem irrelevant, the ability to wake up and be at your job right away eliminates some of the stress as well. You can wear whatever attire you choose to and you don't have to worry about dealing with traffic to get to work.

6. Tax Breaks - On the business part, you will enjoy many tax advantages with starting a home based business. You now can deduct your home, business vacations, cars and business meals. Any losses that you incur can be tax deductible making tax season a lot less stressful. ALWAYS consult your accountant first though before taking any decisions in this area.

7. Multiple Revenue Streams - Lastly, many times when you work through an employer you are set on one task and only get ONE paycheck. With an online home business you have the possibility of taking on a number of different tasks keeping your job interesting and intriguing and building multiple income streams. This is powerful!

The amount of people starting a home based business continues to grow every day, and it is obvious why this is so. There are many more benefits you will enjoy by starting a home business, this is a just a small sampling to encourage to take that all important first step.

The greatest benefit of all of course is that you actually become your own boss.

Mal Keenan is publisher of Home Business Tips Newsletter and Blog. Check it out for tips on how to get Started Earning a Full-time Income from Home: Blog22439
Valene Blog48129

Are Online Ads Worth Your Buck?

Whenever you are surfing the internet looking for information you will see a plethora of online advertising offering virtually every conceivable product or service under the sun. As more people hit the information highway, often shunning traditional information sources such as print, television and radio, advertisers are also making the switch. Online advertising can a cost-effective method of reaching web surfers and getting their message in front of a different audience.

One of the biggest advantages of online ads is also one of the biggest disadvantages. Online ads can reach a wider audience and if you have a global internet business can expand the boundaries of your customer base. In most cases you have the ability to determine the types of sites on which your online ads will appear, but in many instances once you place the ad, especially if going through an online ad agency, your site could end up on sites that are inconsistent with you beliefs.

If your business is strictly locally based, with print, television or radio advertising you can restrict the geographic locations where the ads will be heard or seen. For many local-only businesses this type of target advertising reaches only those are likely to be interested in your business and be reasonably expected to visit in person. It all depends on whether you want your advertising effort to have a shotgun effect or a rifle shot.

While a shotgun approach can reach more people in the least amount of time in a much wider area, it will also have many of the ads whiz out into cyberspace with no contact with potential customers. With the rifle approach you can aim your advertising at a specific customer base and even with a potentially higher cost can often realize a better return on the advertising dollar.

When considering online advertising you have to look at the potential return to determine if they are worth your investment. With internet advertising, as will many other forms, it is a numbers game. If you anticipate that 10 percent of those who see the ad will respond and ten percent of those respondents will result in a sale, you should consider that 10,000 advertisement in print media would see 1,000 respondents resulting in 100 sales.

With online ads, your advertisement may reach a million viewers, resulting in 100,000 respondents and 10,000 sales. Weighing these purely hypothetical numbers would seem to make online advertising a good investment. However, depending on the placement of online ads, such as on sites that customers for your products or service rarely if ever visit, the number of respondents may be considerably lower, reducing the potential return on your online ad investment.

If you have an online business, it may pay to advertise where your customers are looking. If your business is completely offline, advertising online may simply make the business with which you advertise the recipient of any income.

Copyright © 2007 Vadim Kirienko owns the Home Business Resource Directory where you can find everything you need to start, run and grow a home based business. For further information, go to => Blog59930
Valentia Blog46951

How Blogs Can Break Or Make Your SEO Strategy

Blogs are a great way to get started authoring content and sharing your knowledge and insights with other people. Plus, mix work and play - and you can get rich doing this.

You don't have to be an MBA-accredited author by any means. However, there are some rules to play by, and I'll break those out below. We will talk about the top blogs, practicalities around blogs and creative ways to get started, including how you could possibly ruin your good-standing ranking and having to change your Search Engine Optimization strategy.

Blogs - Structure and Layout

I work in the field of Search Engine Optimization. It has a wide range of options, from the technical to the more strategic. Tons of discussions are found on off-page and on-page factors, latent semantic analysis, content scope, quality, HTML/CSS development, site navigational structure, spamdexing, 301 redirects, plagiarism, link strategies, directories, blogs, search engine news, email marketing tips & online (internet) marketing. Most all of the top 10 SEO firms out there agree that blogs are a "must" for driving traffic and get established in the Internet community.

There is a right way, and a wrong way. We'll discuss these below.

Be warned - too many folks out there are thinking about "how to outbeat the search engines" and use the latest-and-greatest (blogs) to elevate their rankings, essentially via content and blog spam. Blogs are a powerful way to get seen by the search bots. Blogger (Google's own) is an important key to the puzzle, but there are many.


Start here, begin a quick review of the world's top blogs: - updated daily - he makes #16,000/month - web 2.0 blogs

Get an account - it's free. log in - and - don't start! What? No, you must first continue by scanning the list above and get a sense for what people are writing about. This could be more generic at first, but start looking to yourself. What do you know? What do people come to you for? Anything that you specialize in? (Hint: don't think "how can I sell this" - but "how can I share this?") You'll also learn how to use trackback functions to allow other people to be notified. Permalinks are great for SEO and should be used where appropriate. So, now you learned something big: be yourself!

Think about an interesting headline. You don't need to be copywriter, but you should think about your headline and the topic at hand. More importantly, is it something that you are passionate about, or can contribute something to? It's ok to spend some time here, writer's block can come up. Think about other sites, can you re-write their UVP (unique value proposition)? How would you write yours (thinking theme here). What I've found to work is simply sit back and start talking as if you were discussing a (hot) topic with a friend, and then breaking it out into sub-groups from there.

Writing tips: casual, friendly and interesting (meaning you have something to write and you don't copy others) works well in blogs. Make sure you stay on topic and that you are truthful. Would you lie to your mother? Of course not - then think about this when you are writing online (and she will not come after you). Yahoo's blogging policy is a good one: "Be respectful of your colleagues, get your facts straight, provide context to your argument, and engage in private feedback." Also, make sure to include images (flickr) and video (youtube, google video) where you can. Make the images rich and colorful, don't worry about sizing too much.

Committment, persistence and disciplin. Sound like an extract from Jim Rohn or Anthony Robbins? Well, they probably are - but it applies to most of the things you do in life. So be it with blogging. Carve out 1/2-1 hour every day to nurture to your blog business. Think of it as your morning ritual - right after you have attended to your family and other duties. Plus, often you are not going to be in writing mode - but rather, maintenance mode - reviewing and responding to other blogger's input.

Search engines start picking up your blog, and traffic increases. Be prepared and if it gets out of hand, be able to manage that too. I'm not simply talking about traffic, but as others join and comment, you may need to defend your stance, including admitting mistakes if / when you make them. Folks appreciate other folks who are big enough to admit mistakes if it gets there. For example, you may have folks who don't like you - even if you're Bill Gates. This guy created a Corporate Weblog Manifesto that I found interesting.

Run and host your own blog service. More expensive, but this could have a large impact on your ability to control not only the content, but custom HTML layouts, code and information architecture that are important to search engines. You can offer this as a service to others in your niche market. is a great resource to use for starting this process, and more hands-on development companies like can be an option for you. Keep in mind that the market has developed niche-companies, from real-estate to healthcare, and you should research those specifically.

Content is important for Search Engine Optimization - be on top of it, keep a schedule.

Voila - that's it, there you have it. Watch how the search engines will start picking up your content. You can run tools to see how you are ranking, how often you are showing up in the search engines. We like as a simple beginner starting point. However, it's not 100% accurate, other SEO tools can provide more detail.

Keep your content fresh, updates daily is preferred - and definitely once a week and your search engine marketing (which includes search engine optimization) will become more visible than it was just last week. Then, use to alert search engines that you have made updates. It's a free service, and will help your visibility.

Jon Rognerud is a recognized authority on the subject of SEO, and has spent over 10 years developing websites and marketing solutions at companies like Overture and Yahoo. His website,, provides a wealth of informative articles, free email courses and moreFarrand Blog58224
Fey Blog29325

Cheap Web Hosting

Getting set up with cheap web hosting can be a challenge these days in the world of web hosts that provide services like domain bundling, name registration, and free email to get users aboard. Many of these services end up costing you more than a traditional basic hosting account would in the first place, and therefore web hosting can be a hard thing to find for those looking for a bargain. Many people looking for cheap web hosting end up settling for a bundle deal that isnt what they wanted. In order to get cheap web hosting one must first figure out what his or her needs are, and how best to meet them. This is not easy when it comes to cheap web hosting, because what your needs require may not be the same services offered by any given host. But taking the painful steps of identifying what your web hosting needs are will greatly enhance the ability and chances of finding the best deal in the end.

Most web hosts base their packages on bandwidth and storage space. This means that in order to get a deal on cheap web hosting, one must settle for less bandwidth, and less storage space. How much storage space do you need? Are you going to be hosting large files? Are you going to be hosting large amounts of email addresses, and various data? These questions need to be addressed before one can truly find cheap web hosting. Further, how much traffic you receive each day will have a lot to do with the cost of web hosting. If the traffic is moderate to light, you can expect to get a cheap web hosting deal without problems. If on the other hand there is a lot of traffic headed to your site, more bandwidth might be needed to keep it up and running.

Shopping for cheap web hosting is not an easy task simply because there are so many options today. Everything from basic beginners web hosting packages, to deluxe advanced web hosting packages for those running dedicated servers, and virtual servers as well. Making the most out of each package can be hard and therefore it makes sense to compare services.

One of the most popular hosting websites on the net today is godaddy. This website is the benchmark for cheap web hosting, and offers a variety of packages. The godaddy website is best known for its cheap domain registration. Godaddy also offers its users a variety of web hosting packages to fit most anyone's needs.

Another great web host is yahoo business. This website is based upon the need of small businesses looking for an easy way to host a merchant account ready website. This website hosting company provides cheap web hosting solutions for any small business that needs it.

In dealing with cheap web hosting it is important to compare all the options before making a choice. A good spot to compare services is Review Place, a website based on customer reviews of products and services. At Review Place you will be able to look at the different services, and figure out which one works best for you. It is important to compare prices and see what is offered. It will be easier to make an informed choice about what it is that you need, and which service you want to sign up with.

Andy West is a freelance writer for ReviewPlace. For more information and reviews of Cheap Web Hosting, please visit ReviewPlace at Blog7954
Vivia Blog18775

Practicing Good Search Engine Optimization Techniques

The last Google PR update was held on June 23, 2006. That means that we have approximately two to three weeks before the next one. The serious internet marketer has probably been very busy over the last three months. For those of you who do not know what these internet marketers have been doing, here is a look into consistant search engine optimization techniques.

Most of us took a vacation. It has been summer after all, and it is the slow period for internet recruiting. However, if you remember, Google changed it's algorithm drastically. This left many internet companies in a hole. If they were to survive and continue doing business on the internet, they had to dig themselves out in three months. That is not a lot of time. The next two to three weeks is going to be critical and the internet marketer should be re-doubling their efforts to make up the search engine placement that had been lost.

Marketers have been writing a lot of articles. Backlinks are what got their webpage in that prominent position in the first place. It will work again. Backlinks from articles do not lose any of their pr because there is no reciprocal link. Writing articles also provides a number of benefits to you in the form of fresh ideas. Remember, Google loves fresh content? It is a good idea to write and submit at least one article to the article directories weekly.

Articles may be a little difficult to post every day. Blogging every day has become the main-stay for the stay at home internet marketer. It is easy. The marketer can say anything he or she wants to. Common entries include reviews on something that has been read or a webpage that has been visited.

Forum posts also create one way backlinks. You can take the same article you have written, post it in the article directories, post it to your blog, and post it to a number of forums. You can really get your money's worth this way just from one article.

Many internet marketers have been Trying to get into Dmoz again. This article directory is the hardest to get into, but it is worth a try. Directory submission will increase your traffic as well as your link popularity.

Find other places to post your ads. Revise your ads with the new keywords that you may have found for your new niche markets. This has been a must since the last Google update. Landing pages have been hit hard. Ever notice how many info sites there are with zero pr? Internet marketers have been fixing their landing pages.

Tighten up your website search engine optimization. All of the search engines seem to have a different idea of what they are looking for in a well optimized website. Too many topics on one webpage may be an indication that you are not focusing enough on a few keywords. Too many and the webpage seems to loose its glister to the search engines. Internet marketers split the key areas of their website pages into smaller more effective pages, focusing on one theme instead of many.

Higher pr link partners are worth their weight in gold. Google thinks your website is important based on the authority level of your link partners. If you want your page to be a pr5 on the next round, guess what, you should be linking with pr 5 or better partners. You can also hope that your current link partners will get some pr this time around that will help your website pr.

It takes some time for all of these efforts to have an effect on your Google pr as well as your search engine placement. If your have been practicing these techniques consistantly and regularly, you should see an improvement in both. If your have not been practicing these techniques, well, there is always Christmas!

Go to Leonard Bartholomew's website for information, tips, and tools about pay per click search engine advertising at: Blog77567
France Blog61891

The One Internet Marketing Lesson You Must Learn

Coming from a professional background in education I have always known the importance of information. How it can change and enrich one's life for the better. It's a general consensus that has proven itself again and again. So much so, that it's a given fact, information and knowledge can lead to the very good things in life.

However, it wasn't until I became a professional online marketer that I realized how effective information can truly be in achieving your goals. Even the smallest bit of marketing information can have life changing effects on those who put it into practice. The results have totally astounded me.

Not just once but every day.

I am constantly amazed how powerful the right information can be. As I acquire more and more knowledge in the Internet marketing field this fact is driven home to me each day. I still consider myself a novice even though I have been learning web and affiliate marketing for over seven or eight years now. The last two years as a full-time online marketer, but I am still surprised how information is the key to achieving online success. How just a few bits of knowledge can make all the difference.

It's mainly due to the nature of the Internet. The web has a way of amplifying and spiraling everything out of control. Whether it's the latest must-see video on YouTube or the latest Google SEO tip that becomes viral and is instantly seen and discussed by millions within seconds.

Ideas at the speed of light. Information at the click of a mouse.

I don't believe anyone can fully understand how powerful and effective the web can be unless you have first-hand experience with your own website and marketing. Where you can actually apply the latest marketing technique or SEO tip to see the results for yourself. Clinical evidence staring you in the face.

One tip or piece of information can make a big difference. Strange but true. It's the interaction this application of knowledge can have on your whole marketing system. Even just one solid piece of information can change everything.

It's the butterfly effect on steroids. Powered to the nth degree and fueled by the endless connections of the web. Information becomes a tangible force in its own right. One that should not only be respected but more importantly, used to accomplish your own goals.

Information and knowledge are your key sources for achieving success. No mystery there, but how many people actually apply it to their own situation? Limited few.

Anyone wishing to pursue online marketing, building websites, or just using the net to express their ideas should start first with acquiring as much information as they can get their hands on. Keep in mind, not everyone is chasing the almighty dollar, but for those who are after an economic return, obtaining information is still your best ticket to the good life. No matter what that good life means for you or your objectives in life, acquiring the right information will get you there.

Therefore, regardless of the lifestyle or pursuit you have in mind, you must make acquiring information and knowledge your first goal. Seek it out, don't wait for it to just magically appear. Befriend people who have the knowledge you're seeking. Be pro-active, learn something new each day. Consume information but don't forget to also process it. Use the information you acquire.

Never stop learning. It's the one lesson you must learn.

I hope you will make it a lifelong pursuit like I have done. Thanks to the power of the Internet the rewards and benefits just keep multiplying every day. Those rewards will be all the incentive you need to keep obtaining more and more information.

So teach yourself. Keep acquiring knowledge. Keep growing. Keep improving. Keep learning.

School's out but you're not. Not now, not ever!

Titus Hoskins is a former teacher and artist who now works full-time online and runs two niche sites on Internet Marketing. If you're trying to start a web business why not try these excellent free marketing resources: Never stop learning! Try these free trade magazines available to qualified professionals: http://bizwaremagic.tradepub.comVeronika Blog94314
Valene Blog48129

ADXDirect.coms Performance Driven Advertising Network Expands Its Benefits For Web Publishing

There is a greater opportunity for Web Publishers to monetize traffic than ever before network uses a comprehensive platform to cater to the needs of its partnering publishers.

Baltimore, MD (July 2nd, 2007) - Its a good time to be a web publisher; at least it is when a company like is availing its traffic monetizing services. Todays online environment is inducing record levels of advertising spending, largely because its a measurable medium where technological innovations are almost instantaneously implemented by both end-users and institutions. Its no longer a question of how to monetize the traffic of a website, but rather how best to. With the many choices web publishers have, makes perhaps the most compelling option of any advertising network found online today. is finding itself at the crest of a seismic shift in advertising that is translating into more compensation for the traffic of websites. Across every vertical, advertising spending is being pumped into the interactive arena. According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau, the first quarter advertising of 2007 brought in $4.9 billion this is up from $3.8 billion just a year ago. For, this means bigger roster of brand name advertisers, including Coca-Cola, Warner Brothers, and Chrysler. In turn, this translates to brighter prospects for the web publishers who partner with

The benefits offered to publishers are in many folds. To start, is a renowned partner service. The Baltimore-based dedicated media-buying specialists of will generate a competitive revenue share for publishers. Additionally, the monetization of traffic is optimized with premium rates for banners and pops.

Publishers can contact these experienced online advertising pros around the clock, 24/7 via phone, email, and IM (ADXDirect on Skype, AIM, and MSN). A satisfied marketing rep at commented, Your reps always answer my questions quickly and politely. I am very happy with the dependable service!

To date, web publishers have been thrilled with the offerings by, which is only one year in the making. Another value added benefit of is the matching of domestic and international traffic with relevant advertising. Therefore international traffic, a potential revenue source that is all too often filtered and wasted, can be effectively and easily monetized with ADXDirect.coms advertising platform. This feature alone could make partnering with a wise move for publishers.

A partnership with will help a publisher realize what separates this interactive advertising network from its peers. The reliable customer service and prompt payment scheduling; the brand name with big-money advertisers whose presence helps pay premium rates; and the contextual control offered to web publishers all create an extremely successful venture. values its in-network publishers and forces zero unwanted advertising upon its partners. Partnership implies co-operation and, for, partnership means a strong degree of contextual ad control for publishers.

Contact: Network
1st Floor
1414 Reisterstown Rd.
Baltimore, MD
Phone: (347) 268-5818
IM: ADXDirect on Skype, AIM, MSN and ICQ
Visit: - Performance Driven Ad Network

Andrew WellsEssy Blog32697
Eugenia Blog42799

Advertising and Color

Whats the quickest way to create mood without saying a word? Color! Before they read your marketing piece, they see it and their feeling about your business begins. So its a good idea to take some time to find out what colors mean and how they can help sell for you. When you learn the psychology of colors you will be able to add a whole new layer to your marketing materials. Heres how using certain colors will help you attract a specific target market and evoke the desired response:

-The color scheme you choose for your flyer or business cards can help or hurt the overall tone of the piece. For instance, if you own a gift shop, you would want to work with a lot of yellows, including coral, orange, amber and gold. Why? Because yellow symbolizes joy. It exudes energy and happiness, and is associated with being welcoming and homey.

-Red, which includes mauve, magenta, crimson, and scarlet, is the color of power, romance, and vitality. Its an eye catcher, and makes us sit up and take notice. Thats why its so often used in the financial arena when the numbers are going in the wrong direction. Red can also have a physical effect, even raising blood pressure! Use red in your ad when you want people to take action.

-If, on the other hand, you need a very friendly, non-threatening campaign, green is your color. Green and its shades, including lime, leaf green, sea green, emerald, teal and sage, symbolize life and nature. Its good for us, and your reader will receive that impression about what you are selling as well. In contrast to red, in the business world, green symbolizes growth and prosperity.

-When you need a more serious, classic look that conveys law and order, dependability, and trustworthiness, go for the blue and purple palette. This includes sky blue, ultramarine, violet, purple and azure. These colors work great in certain markets, specifically for older, more mature audiences. Its common in financial institutions, hospitals, and the legal and medical professions.

So what kind of business do you have? Do you sell a product or a service? Think about your target market, and try to determine what emotion will appeal to them the most. Now try to match that with one of the above color palettes when you are designing your ad. With the right colors, your marketing piece is sure to be read.

Karen Saunders is the owner of MacGraphics Services, a unique design firm for todays entrepreneur. Whether you outsource your promotional pieces or are a do-it-yourselfer, Karen takes the mystery out of marketing. Learn the Top 5 Mistakes that can cost you money by signing up for her FREE e-course, available for a limited time. To take advantage of this e-course and find out how easy it can be to attract more clients, go to Blog68806
Feliza Blog60990

Network Marketing: Are you hunting or fishing?

Let's face it, Network Marketing deserves some of the bad rap it has. Every family has at least one pesky, used car salesman-like network marketer that pesters, bothers, annoys, whines, begs, and pushes their company and or products on their friends and family. They are like hunters, chasing down their prey. And when the prey says no and walks away, they move into stalking mode. They believe the old sales adage that it takes seven no's to get a yes, so they are now on the hunt, actively tracking down their prey. And the sad part is the prey they are hunting is probably the worst possible prospect. They aren't looking, they probably aren't ambitious, and most of the time they're not even interested. After a few months of chasing friends and family, the lonely hunter retires from the game, and often times ends up with a garage full product and an angry spouse.

This poor network marketer has gone out into the world, given the industry a bad name, and become an official member of the NFL, or "No Friends Left" club. And this is a common story in network marketing.

Unfortunately, this same person, given the right training and taught the right philosophies, could have just as easily had success. Often times they were just doing what their company told them to do, but here's a secret of the Network Marketing industry: what's taught on stage isn't what the big dogs actually do. And if you don't have access to the big dog, you don't get the secret sauce, the professional methods used to create six figure incomes.

The heavy hitters of Network Marketing aren't out on a Thursday night showing presentations to their family and friends. They don't need to pester their friends and family. They learned the magic secret of the industry, how to put the "Marketing" in Network Marketing.

Network Marketing is a business. It requires marketing. And the "average joe" that gets started in the industry usually quits in frustration before they ever come close to finding the hidden methods of marketing that rake in the big bucks.

So how do they do it? Well, the first thing that separates the heavy hitter from the bumbling amateur is their posture.

Rookies hunt. Heavy hitters fish.

There is a big difference between hunting and fishing. Hunters chase things. The things they chase run away. The chase continues until something is exhausted, dead, or both. Fishing is quite different. The fisherman sits on the shore in comfort and casts bait out into the water. The bait is enticing to the fish. The fish is attracted to the bait, and wants to take a bite. When the fish takes a bite, it's hooked. In other words, the prospect comes to the networker because the networker has something they want. And the bait is cast out in the lake among millions of fish, not into a bucket full of minnows.

Why don't network marketers fish instead of hunt? They don't know the rules of the game. And the internet has changed the rules. It is now possible, through the miracle of the internet and electronic media, to "cast out" your electronic bait, (your web-site or presentation), in front of millions of people, and wait for your bait to capture a prospect. A prospect is somebody that is actively looking for an opportunity. A prospect is ready and willing, they are just looking for the right company.

Network Marketing is a business of sorting and sifting, not hunting and tracking. And whoever sorts and sifts the fastest wins. As you read this, you are looking at a computer screen, and have an internet connection. That means you are connected to the entire world. You are within arms reach of over a billion prospects. You just need the right fishing gear.

The right gear for this new game of network marketing consists of:

==> A great company that you believe in.

==> Great products that you personally use and can endorse without hesitation.

==> A squeeze page or capture page

==> A compelling web-site

==> An autoresponder

Simple as it sounds, with these few components in place you can build a global network marketing empire.

So trade in your rifle for a fishing pole, stop chasing people, and commit to learn the new rules of network marketing, because not only do these new methods work, they are a lot more fun, and don't land you in the NFL club!

Copyright 2006 Dave Sherwin

Dave Sherwin is a full time Network Marketer who has discovered the secrets of growing an organization 100% on-line, and making money whether people join his organization or not. It's all explained at:Eugenia Blog74381
Valentine Blog65372

Passive Residual Income vs Leverage Income

There are basically two different types of passive residual income. There is a third that is not really passive income that is also great strategy for earning more money while having to do less work. It is a great way to keep your cash flow up and not having to lose your mind due to work stresses. Residual income is money you earn revenue that occurs over time and some of the types of passive residual income include:

An insurance agent who gets repeated commission every year when a customer renews his policy

A network marketing or direct sales rep will earn income from her direct customers when they reorder a specific product every month

An instructor who produces a video as such and sells it where they teach

A marketing consultant who creates a workbook and sells it as an e-book

A photographer/author who makes his photos available through a stock photography clearinghouse and gets paid a royalty whenever someone buys something theyve done

A restaurant or retail owner who hires a manager

As you can see, there are many different ways that you can generate passive residual income across a wide variety of businesses. You can get repeat income from the same customers, or the sales of a product to new customers. The best part is that you that may never have to repeat the initial work involved in getting stated and still earn money. Most of time the repeat work that you have to do can be done by an assistant or secretary. You can also take advantage of personal development affiliate programs like SkyQuestCom or Success University

You should know that passive residual income is not just repeat money earned. Recurring income may still require your involvement in order to get the income such as if you are a coach or consultant on a monthly retainer, or a caterer who delivers. While this can take some time out of your time it is necessary. Leveraged income basically takes the work of other people to create income for you. Some examples of leveraged income include:

An e-book author who sells the e-book through affiliates who promote the product for them

A network marketer who builds a down line and receives commissions on the sales made by those that are in it

A general contractor who makes a profit margin on the work that sub-contractors do

Franchising your business to other entrepreneurs which is where the real money is at

You should note that leveraged income may or may not also be residual income.

Take an online tour of todays affiliate market to see if this is the right opportunity for you.

Chu Ern Teng is the owner of . He aspires to create awareness on Webucation to help others to achieve financial freedom through these programs.Violante Blog31074
Vilma Blog79805

What To Know About Pay Per Click Search Engine Advertising in Your Google Adwords Campaign

If you are one of those people that has not had any luck with your pay per click search engine advertising, chances are you are not building your keyword advertising lists correctly. In order to get the most from google adwords, you have to know what keywords are going to work best for your field and what keywords are going to generate the most traffic. With these tips you will find your google adwords campaign will be made easy.

The first step to making a keyword list is to write down your targeted traffic and keywords you think suit them best. One of the easiest ways to do this is to think about how you would search for your product in the search engines. If you search for your product with these keywords, chances are hundreds of thousands of other people are doing the same thing.

Profitable keywords for your pay per click search engine advertising campaign can be found using the overture keyword suggestion tool. This will allow you to find what keywords are being searched the most, which will help you generate more traffic to your website. Place the top few keywords that you find in your titles of articles and blog posts, along with the first few sentences of the content on your website. The more you place the top keywords or targeted keywords on your website, the better chance you will have of climbing higher on the search engines.

Another great thing with a keyword suggestion tool like Overture is that you can find a large list of profitable keywords. This will allow you to build a list of multiple ways people are searching for the same product. If you can target multiple keywords, you will be able to have several lists on many of your pages. The more keywords you place on your website, the better chance you have to make money from it. If you can target several keywords as oppose to one or two you can cut down on repetition.

When you are choosing keywords, try and be as specific as possible. If you want to generate any kind of traffic that is specific to your site, you want to stay away from vague and basic keywords. By selecting specific keywords it lowers the competition you will face for the keyword and lower the cost per click you will be spending. By having specific keywords you will assure yourself that your keywords bring in qualified traffic that is worth your time.

There are multiple ways to make your pay per click search engine advertising campaigns made easy and specifying your keyword list is just the start. While there are many things you can do to get the most out of your keyword lists, finding the most specific and cost efficient keywords using a keyword suggestion tool is one of the best things you can do. After creating a list, you will be on your way to making money in no time.

Leonard Bartholomew, B.S. Computer Science. My SEO help site will assist you in finding the most profitable keywords. Find tips, tools, products and more about pay per click search engine advertising at Blog23784
Violante Blog31074

4 Easy Tips To Increase Your Sales Page Conversion

Do you know most Internet Marketers fail to make money online because their sales page lack of certain tiny things? It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out how to convert your sales page into a money making machine.

Here are 4 tips to increase your sales page conversion:-

1) If you plan to make money online selling software products, always give away a free demo that becomes increasingly useless over time.

Take WinZip, for example; if you don't purchase the full version, it slowly takes longer and longer to use it. This is a good model for demo software products. Only give out a limited product that becomes less useful over time without the upgrade. If your software is good and people just love using it, they will definitely upgrade it thus make money online for you just like that.

2) If you list the benefits of a given product, you will want to use good images as bullet points.

For instance, using clear, fast-loading check marks or "x" marks can significantly improve your sales page conversion rate. Additionally, you will want to pay attention to the colors you use. Red and blue usually work best. By doing this simple trick will easily make money online for you as your sales page looks more like written by a professional person.

3) One good way to increase your conversion rate on your sales page is to add a picture of yourself in the top right corner.

This piece of personalization will help pre-sell your visitors by letting them know that a real person is actually selling this product, rather than some nameless entity or pen name that is used to cover up someone's identity. Visitors who read your sales page will be more likely to buy from you just by applying this tip.

4) One effective way to increase conversion rates on sales pages is to scan your signature, save it as a .jpeg or .gif; and then use it to "sign" your sales page.

If you do not have a scanner, you can also purchase a natural handwriting program, such as v-letter, to do this task for you. Simply seeing a real signature will make visitors more likely to buy and you easily make money online.

As you can see, by showing the professionalism design in your sales page, your conversion rate will be much higher than before. Also, by applying any of the tips given, you will make some serious money online so check your sales page and make necessary changes right away.

Izrul Fizal has made a living earning himself a residual income every month. Visit his website Make Money Online at and to find out how.Esther Blog84372
Federica Blog38568

Internet Marketing Strategy: Enter The Age Of Automation!

Internet Marketing Strategy: Enter the age of automation!

Your computer was originally designed to make life easier for you. But sometimes it doesn't seem that way, does it?

These days, computers are essential tools that, more often than not, symbolize work for many of us.

Well, it's time to reclaim those hours that the computer was supposed to save you!

I'm talking about automation. Without a doubt, automating your e-business is the most cost-effective and profitable thing you can do to turn your small office or home-based business into a formidable online entity that can compete with the biggest players out there.

The biggest mistake most newcomers to the world of Internet commerce make is thinking of their business as an online store.

If you start off thinking that way, that's all it will ever be!

Think about it: If you're a hairdresser, and you try to take your business online by simply advertising your salon with a web site, you're still limited by how many haircuts you personally can give in a day.

But if you somehow managed to automate your business then there's no limit to how much money you could be making!

Unfortunately for salon owners out there, automated haircuts aren't possible yet. But I guarantee that some part of your online business could be streamlined through automation!

For example...

Customer service

Without sacrificing the personal touch or your own interaction with your customer base, 90% of your customer service correspondence can be automated.

Whether you're answering the most common questions, booking appointments, sending invoices, or following up with your customers, those tasks can be done faster and more efficiently when they're automated. And you can concentrate on the things that can't be!

Product delivery

The faster you deliver your product to your customers, the more professional you appear. And there's nothing faster than instantly!

Setting up your sales process to immediately send out your product the moment an order is placed not only makes it possible for you to work on growing your business, it grows your business for you by providing the quickest possible service to your clients, and word gets around fast on the Internet!

If your business isn't automated for constant growth, you'll stagnate. So set yourself up for success now by automating your business!

Does your online business need a new Internet marketing strategy?

With the current explosion of e-business and online opportunities, more people than ever before are searching for professional advice on Internet marketing strategy that is tailored for beginners.

At the Internet Marketing Center, we've made it our business to help your e-business succeed in the online marketplace.

For more help on finding an Internet marketing strategy that's right for your business, click here to see our free online archive of Internet marketing strategy tips and secrets

Derek Gehl is CEO of the Internet Marketing Center, which has been teaching real people like you how to make real money on the Internet since 1995. Sign up for IMCs free newsletter on Internet marketing at Blog29382
Faye Blog98413

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Viral Marketing Made Simple

A virus is the causative agent of an infectious disease. That doesnt sound good does it?

A cold virus spreads by self duplicating and spreading from person to person. A computer virus does the same thing. Your computer gets it, duplicates it and sends it on to the next computer. If bad things can spread virally, doesnt it seem obvious that good things could be spread the same way?

That is the idea behind viral marketing anyways.

Rather than create something sneaky that implants and duplicates in secret, a viral marketer creates something good. So good that others like it well enough to want to spread it around. If it is good enough, the item will get duplicated and shared so many times that it literally spreads like a virus around the internet.

What are some examples of viral marketing tools?

Videos, Audios, Special Reports and Tip Sheets are the most common items created for a viral campaign.

Usually, when you create something to give away for free, you require someone to opt into your mailing list in order to get the freebie. If youre trying to start a powerful marketing virus, you approach things differently. You send the viral tool out into the world without any strings attached and you invite others to do the same.

For example: You have a great shopping cart and site builder with website hosting services built in that you promote as an affiliate. You want to let as many people know about this service as possible, exposing everything to your affiliate link at the same time.

So you grab a free special report provided by the affiliate program owner. She has created the special report for just this purpose and has made it especially useful in that it compares and contrasts four popular shopping carts systems and highlights the important strengths of her own system. Her non-hype approach and common sense comparisons give the report heavy pass it along value.

You brand the report with your own affiliate link and then start to spread it around.

How do you spread it far and wide?

First, send it out as a freebie to your mailing list.
Post it as a free download on your website
Post it as a free download on your blog.
Link directly to it from your email signature.
Link to it from your forum signatures
Add a link to it from your related autoresponders.
Mention it when youre chatting and networking with others.

In every instance, you want to be sure to tell others that they should feel free to give the report away to others as is as much as they like, with your blessing.

If the viral tool is very special, you may want to use it to build up your mailing list. So instead of giving it away freely, you can ask people to opt into your mailing list to receive the item. Then follow the download up with a few short emails that refer to the special report and offer to answer any questions that they may have had about it.

Good affiliate programs will provide you with these kinds of marketing tools. A smart affiliate will take full advantage of the opportunity and do their part in spreading the marketing virus.

Michelle Waters helps Work At Home Moms take their home businesses ideas to reality with her ecommerce software and hosting services at She offers support and business advice for her clients at Blog79805
Fawnia Blog85207

Five Myths That Effect The Decision To Just Do It!

Whether you own a business or are responsible for generating interest in someone elses, the topic will arise. What will I get for hiring Branding professionals? Just because big businesses have whole departments dedicated to such an endeavor, many still believe that it may not be what they need. After all, there are lots of reasons not to buy into this concept. Many of those I interact with state the following as the top five myths/objections:

MYTH #5. These people dont know what I need

Of course, your business is unique. There are benefits to doing business with you that no one else possesses. Having a specialist will allow you to identify clearly the unique attributes your business has for the consumer and package them in a way that will attract business. That will leave you free to run and grow your business.

MYTH #4. What about the investment vs. the impact?

What amount have you deemed as a budget for this aspect of your business development? In a way, branding is something like the stock market. Only you & your professional can determine what level of risk youre comfortable with and how to configure your investment. Will every item payoff? Perhaps, perhaps not. However, there are ways to get the most for your money, and a specialist can assist. Im willing to bet you dont know all the opportunities available to you, so by teaming with a professional your chances for success are greatly enhanced.

MYTH #3. They dont understand my business.

Isnt that great?! You now have the opportunity to share your knowledge and passion for your business with someone who can interpret that information in a way thats easy for the average bear to digest. Voila! Now a professional can position your business in a way that an outsider can embrace, while speaking your vision unencumbered by other perspectives. Thats one heck of a great benefit!

MYTH #2. These people dont listen to me.

Having a connection with your Professionals is essential. You wouldnt want to visit a doctor who keeps prescribing medicine for an illness you dont haveso if you arent feeling heard, you may be working with the wrong people for you. Try something else. Fast!

And the number 1 myth:

MYTH #1. I can do it myself.

Yes, you know your business better than anyone. That said, you really cant do it yourself and also grow a healthy business that realizes your vision and provides the life you deserve. Furthermore, why would you want to? Go play more golf or be with your kids. Just like a doctor, lawyer or personal trainer, your Branding Professionals provide an invaluable service that is key to your success. Just be sure to evaluate their efforts as you would any other part of your strategy for success.

So, I ask you - If branding and marketing isnt all that big a deal, why do Nike, Coke, Proctor & Gamble, Starbucks and countless others put so much energy and funding into their programs? Keeping your brand highly visible does affect growth and profits. Have fun & create a Brand!

With a strong focus on Branding, award winning graphic abilities, plus a marketing and business development background in both the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, Judy Winslow offers her clients a unique perspective. She is committed to assisting people worldwide in their personal and professional growth. Her result oriented processes have enabled companies of all sizes to grow and her diverse clientele ranges from Fortune 500 companies to start-ups seeking specialized branding and innovative communications strategies. All of her work is customized to fit the needs and vision of her clients to ensure their sound success. Contact her at or Blog31074
Evanne Blog55450

15 Proven Ways To Use Autoresponders In Your Home Business

An interested visitor who has been strolling through your site has finally come to just what she is looking for and is about to make a purchase. It's a sunny afternoon, and her cat, who happens to be sitting on the moss under the visitor's large fifty-year-old snow-rose bonsai tree, suddenly jumps down, and the priceless tree topples over.

In the blink of an eye, your visitor exits your site, and your sale is dust - unless you have had the foresight to utilize an autoresponder that has captured her email address. If you have installed an autoresponder, you can then follow-up with her, and in all probability, make the sale when the poor woman has finished repotting her precious bonsai.

Autoresponders are remarkable, versatile programs that do so much more than just automatically answer your email.

Here are a few ideas that will help you to creatively and productively use your autoresponder to transform the casual visitor into a profitable customer. Use your autoresponder to:

1. Publish a newsletter. Certain quality autoresponders will manage subscriptions and follow-up with interested prospects. Your newsletter can keep your visitors informed about your services or products, while building your reputation as a credible expert in your particular business.

2. Publish a newsletter only for your affiliates. Inform them of current sales you are running and of promotional material that your affiliates can use themselves to increase their commissions. Include tips, advice, and techniques that your affiliates can use to successfully go out and promote your business.

3. Write reviews. Cover books, software, music, e-books, movies, etc., and put each review in an autoresponder.

Review your affiliate programs, using a link to your affiliate's page in your autoresponder.

4. Distribute your articles. Writing and distributing targeted articles is a powerful tool to build your business credibility, bring traffic to your site, and increase your sales potential. If your articles contain valuable information, many editors will print what is known as a resource box for you. A resource box contains your bio and a brief description of your service or product. It can also contain your autoresponder address. Let's say you've written fifty articles. Put them on separate autoresponder accounts and create a master list that contains the titles of each article, the autoresponder address, and a brief abstract. Then promote your master list. Additionally, include your publishing guidelines so your affiliates can add their articles to your list, increasing the number of writers who are represented in your article list.

5. Create mailing lists. Inform subscribers to your articles when you've written new ones that they may want to publish in their own newsletter or website.

6. Automate your sales process. Use an ad to insure repeated exposure of your message, which has been proven to effectively increase sales. In your ad, put your autoresponder address where a visitor will be exposed to numerous marketing materials. This multiplies the chances of converting visitors into customers. For example, if you're selling a particular product, put testimonials about how spectacular it is on your autoresponder, and add a detailed, enticing description of your product.

7. Distribute advertising. Let's say you sell advertising on your website or in your newsletter or e-zine. Set your autoresponder to send the information about rates and how to place an ad automatically to all prospects' email addresses. Then have your autoresponder follow-up. It can also send notification of any special deals you are currently offering.

8. Distribute an email course. Each day, have your autoresponder send out another lesson. Just be sure that each lesson has quality content - not a sales pitch. Your content will do the selling for you, and will do it much more effectively. You can include tips centered on a different topic for each lesson, illustrating how your product will benefit the reader. Include the tangible benefits the visitor will reap by purchasing your product.

Make sure to include a paragraph or two at the end of each lesson enticing your prospect to consider making a purchase.

9. Automate a reminder about your service or product after a visitor has completed your course. This will increase the possibility of sales from visitors who have taken your course but are dragging their feet about actually making a purchase. You can also use these reminders to promote new products or services, and the products and services of your affiliate programs.

10. Distribute free reports. This gives your visitor an idea of the type of information you can provide and the quality of your product or service. Make sure these reports are not sales letters or you will more than likely lose a potential customer than gain a sale.

11. Create trivia quizzes on your site and place the answers in an autoresponder. Your visitor will then be motivated to request your autoresponder, and you will have a record of the visitors' email addresses who took your quiz. Or create a contest and have any visitors that enter send their responses to your autoresponder. Your autoresponder can be set-up to send them a confirmation of their entry.

12. Offer a trial version of your product. Give your prospects a sample of your ebook, course, software, membership, etc. People who are exposed to a little taste often end up wanting the whole pie. You can also capture their email addresses when you offer them a free trial from your website. Set up your autoresponder to give instructions on how to obtain their free trial, and then make sure to follow-up to try and close the sale.

13. Link to hidden pages on your autoresponder. For example, a hidden page could be your affiliate page that contains graphics, promotional articles, and text links that interested affiliates can make use of. Inform visitors that they may have free access to your affiliate page by simply requesting your autoresponder. You will then gather a list of visitors who may be interested in becoming your affiliates.

14. Use an autoresponder on your order page. Post a request form for visitors to be notified of special offers or discounts in the future. This creates a very effective mailing list that contains the names of people who are already your customers.

15. Put your links page on your autoresponder. It should contain up to fifty links that would be of particular interest to your visitors. Make sure to add your own promotional copy at the top or bottom of this page.

One of the best, and proven automated autoresponder systems online that you can grow your list quickly in your home business can be found at To view this auesome sales machine in action, watch the flash presentation in the top right corner, after watching it put in your contact info and check your email inbox in a day.

Don Hayes is a home business mentor that helps individuals setup their home business, and provides free promotional software, butterflywebdesign, and viral marketing tactics. He believes that less then 5% of the marketers are making it online, and 95% of the programs online are a waste of money. For a limited time get a free report on building your business quickly. Go to: Blog90710
Flower Blog19629

Home Based Business You Can Start (With Little Start Up Costs)

Internet Marketing is as old as the Internet itself. In it's infancy Internet Marketing was simply text-based websites that provided product information. As the internet grew and evolved, so did Internet Marketing. The concept moved from simple information based / text websites into lavish graphic filled advertisements.

The attraction to Internet Marketing is the sheer size of the potential consumer base. No longer is one limited to local advertising. The internet allows consumers from across the globe the ability to search out products and information.

Now the concept of Internet Marketing has caught the eye of many entrepreneurs and is turning into a popular work from home business. One such business that is steadily increasing in popularity is the Plug In Profit site.

The Plug In Profit website first debuted over 4 years ago as a creation of Internet Marketer Stone Evans, otherwise known as "The Home Biz Guy". Mr. Evans created the Plug In Profit concept as an incentive to join a few select affiliate programs. What it does is provide free websites that are loaded with select affiliate programs that you, as a new Internet Marketer, can promote.

The website that is created for the new Internet Marketer who joins the Plug In Profit business is initially loaded with a handful of programs to start the new affiliate off. These initial programs are SFI, Host4Profit, GetResponse, Internet Marketing Warriors, Empowerism and Traffic Swarm. The entrepreneur can join any Plug In Profit program at no charge. Once the website is built for the entrepreneur, usually within 24 hours of joining, they are ready to begin to advertise their new business and bring other affiliates into their downline.

As you start your own business with the Plug In Profit website you are able to pick your own domain name, which is displayed on the website that is created for you. There is a web hosting fee, as there is to have any website available on the Internet. For the entrepreneur who is new to the world of Internet Marketing, starting off with a Plug In Profit website can be very beneficial as you are provided with online marketing tips and ongoing training. You have access to a members-only forum where you can get quick responses to questions you may have.

Another benefit of the Plug In Profit website is the book that is included in the website set up package. The book "30 Days to Success" is a day by day guide to help the novice Internet Marketer find success working their home business on the web. Topics such as how and where to advertise the Plug In Profit website and program, how to write articles that will promote ones business, how to get ranked higher in the Search Engines, etc. are included. The book also covers optional offline marketing strategies as well as many other ideas and tips to help one succeed.

Lastly, as a Plug In Profit business owner you are given your own, fully customizable email newsletter that will market your company for 400 days in a row. This is an added benefit of joining the Plug In Profit business model.

The website itself can be customized to suit ones own style and direction. Many successful Internet Marketers begin with the basic Plug In Profit website so they can begin to grow their business while they are learning the ins and outs of Internet Marketing; however, as their business grows they often change their website to add additional programs and to change the look and feel of the site itself. The Plug In Profit website makes customizing the site uncomplicated.

Although the Plug In Profit business model gives you all the tools and products that you need to be successful, what it can not do is make you take action. Being an Internet Marketer can be a very rewarding business. It appeals to those who want to be able to set their own hours, work from the comfort of their own home office, avoid rush hour traffic and maybe even work in one's pajamas. Stay at home moms and dads alike have discovered the opportunity Internet Marketing provides but this is a business, like any other business, that does take effort.

With PIPS (Plug In Profit), you are in business for yourself; however, you are not by yourself. Between the "30 Days to Success" book, the help desk available to those who have questions and the Members Only forum where other Internet Marketers provide helpful information on what they have found works and what pitfalls they have been able to avoid, the new Internet Marketer is not left in the dark trying to start a business with no help or resources.

Jessica VanderHaar is an Internet Marketer and an Up And Coming Expert in Developing Internet Home Based Businesses.Valene Blog10528
Faythe Blog18199

How To Improve Conversion Rates On E-commerce Sites

As competition increases in the online market space, more companies vie for Top 10 placement on the search engines, driving up costs per click. In such an environment it is imperative for companies bidding on top positions to convert as many visitor clicks into customers as possible. This article discusses a few measures all companies can take to improve conversion rates on their e-commerce sites.

1. Keyword Research

Ensure that your keyword research ( ) is thorough. If you only select the most obvious keywords, you will pay more, since all your competitors will also be bidding on them.

If you select only generic keywords, you will suffer low conversion rates since visitors typing such words in are often not yet ready to buy.

If you miss out the unique keywords which no one else is bidding on, you will miss the opportunity to sell to visitors that search on these keywords.

Use negative keywords to discourage irrelevant searches from displaying your advertisement.

2. Effective Ad Copy

Ensure that your ads describe your product or service precisely.

Do not lie in your ads to attract visitors. If visitors don't find what your ad promised on your site, they will leave, making your conversion rates fall.

Use your ad to discourage the wrong sort of people from clicking. E.g. if you sell a premium product, don't use words like "cheap" or "bargain".

3. Consistency

Deliver what your ad promises. Always.

Make sure that your offline and online advertising image is consistent.

Most importantly, for e-commerce sites, ensure that the price quoted is consistent throughout your site and through the entire checkout process.

4. No Hidden Costs

Make customers aware of any extra costs at the very start of the checkout process.

VAT and postage should be clearly mentioned as extras.

If the amount quoted at the start is unexpectedly different from the final total, customers will abandon the checkout process and shop elsewhere. This will make your conversion rate suffer greatly.

5. Comprehensive Search Engine Marketing

Customers often browse and return for products. If they can't find you when they return, you will loose the conversion.

Top 10 placement in the natural and paid listings often reinforces customer trust in your brand, making them more likely to buy from your site.

Ensure that your search engine marketing campaign ( ) also builds a brand in the minds of browsers, so that when they are ready to buy, they will come to your site since it is the only one they recognize.

When you increase conversion rates on your e-commerce site, you can automatically afford to bid more per click without suffering a loss. If you find CPC's rising and profitably diminishing rapidly, the first step you should take is to review your site to ensure that you are converting as many visitors as possible. The maths is very simple:

If you currently pay 1.00 per click on Google, convert only 1% of these clicks, and the profit you make on each conversion is just 100, your total cost = total profit, meaning you just break even.

If you have to raise your CPC to 1.10 per click in order to maintain your top 10 position, you will suffer a loss.

However, if you just raised your conversion rate by 1%, you would actually find yourself making a profit, since your cost would now be 110 for 100 clicks but the profit made from 2% conversion, i.e. 2 sales would be 200!

Other articles to read:

The advent of RSS advertising ( )

Website accessibility important for disabled visitors ( )

SEO Weekly ( )

Farhad DivechaFawnia Blog15552
Flossie Blog61500

Your Ebook Internet Marketing Strategy - 7 Vital Components

Do not underestimate the importance of having a good ebook internet marketing strategy. It will make or break your success in terms of the number of copies your ebook sells, and the revenue and profit you ultimately receive from sales of your ebook.

With that in mind, here are eight vital components for your ebook internet marketing strategy.

1. Set up a Web Site

The first and most important weapon in your ebook marketing arsenal must be a web site containing a sales page for the ebook. This needs to be a page dedicated to information about your ebook only. It is even better if you set up a dedicated domain name and site for the ebook. Now that web hosting packages are available for just a few dollars a month, and you can get a package allowing unlimited sites in one package, I strongly recommend giving your ebook its very own site.

Your sales page should be well-designed and contain plenty of information about your ebook. This information should include features and benefits to the readers, and of course, testimonials from your satisfied customers. And if you expect to have credibility with potential customers, your sales page needs to be free of little errors.

2. Build Your Own Mailing List

If you dont already have a mailing list and your own newsletter, start one. You may already have heard that, on average, people need to see a marketing message seven times before they will take action and place an order. A newsletter is a great way to keep your message in front of your audience on a regular basis, and at the same time you will be building up their trust in you as they get to know you and the quality of your information.

You might send out a regular newsletter - for example monthly or weekly - or you can set up autoresponders to automatically send messages at specific intervals. An autoresponder can send a given message at a specified number of days after the subscriber signed up to your mailing list.

3. Sell Your Ebook Through ClickBank

Why use ClickBank? There are several reasons why I recommend that you consider selling your ebook through ClickBank.

First, ClickBank is a very experienced partner to have when selling an ebook. Thats what they specialize in. There are already 10,000 publishers and authors selling information products using their system. But there is something even more important than the number of publishers. Its the number of affiliates. ClickBank have an army of 100,000 affiliates ready to jump on your bandwagon and start promoting your hot new ebook.

Second, ClickBank has a neat payment processing system. If you use ClickBank you will not need to set up an expensive merchant account with your bank in order to accept credit cards online. Setting up a publisher account with ClickBank costs just $50 or so.

Finally, ClickBank works neatly in conjunction with your own web site and newsletter. You simply add the special links given to you by ClickBank into your newsletter and web site, and whenever anyone clicks through your order link, they will be taken to a professional order form where they can pay using their credit card or PayPal.

Whenever one of ClickBanks affiliates refers a visitor who goes on to make a purchase, ClickBank automatically tracks which affiliate referred the visitor and pays their commission.

4. Article Marketing

Article marketing involves writing articles and making them available for webmasters and editors to publish. The greatest exposure usually comes from listing the articles at article directories such as EzineArticles and IdeaMarketers. This allows anyone to publish the article without any fee to you, the author, provided they include your 'Author Resource Box' at the end of the article.

To promote an ebook successfully using article marketing you should write articles on topics closely related your ebook. Your author's resource box should be a small paragraph or two about you including a direct link to the web page for your ebook.

Besides being a good way to generate traffic, article marketing is a great technique for increasing your brand awareness. As people read your articles at various web sites they will begin to recognize you as an expert in your topic.

5. Pay Per Click Advertising

Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is one of the quickest ways to drive traffic to your ebooks sales page. It is certainly not the cheapest source of traffic, but it is probably the most effective technique to guarantee a large quantity of traffic, fast.

With Pay Per Click advertising you bid the maximum price that you are willing to pay for each visitor that clicks on your listing and comes through to your site. The more you bid, the more likely your listing will show. Many webmasters obtain traffic for $0.05 to $0.15 per click.

One good thing about PPC advertising is that unlike other forms of advertising, you only pay for visitors who actually click through your link and visit your site. Compare that to traditional advertising where you pay a set price for the ad regardless of whether you receive any response.

6. Regular Advertising

Regular classified advertising is a form of advertising which is particularly common in newspapers and magazines. Many online ezines and email newsletters offer classified advertising spots. Advertising in these can be one of the best sources of targeted traffic, since you have the ability to select those newsletters with an audience that most closely resembles your own target audience.

If you know the email newsletter or mailing list is a very good match, consider sending a solo mailing. A solo mailing is a special mailing sent to all the subscribers containing only your message promoting your ebook. It will cost more than regular advertising within a newsletter, but youll get a much higher response rate.

And don't dismiss offline classified advertising. It is possible to run a classified advertisement in an offline publication such as a newspaper or carefully targeted magazine and get an excellent response of people checking out your ebook.

7. Profit Sharing

Consider approaching other web site owners and offering to allow them to sell your ebook directly from their web site. You should arrange in advance how the profit will be shared. I usually ask the other web site owner to pay me fifty percent of the revenue from my ebook sales. The web site owner usually loves it because they will have a new ebook to promote, and after they pay their own payment processing fees, they should still be able to keep 40 to 50 percent of the revenue.

There you have it. Seven proven ebook marketing techniques for promoting your ebook. You might not choose to use all seven, but you should be using at least five or six of these. Some of these techniques involve using third-party tools or resources. If you are interested in learning which resources are my favorites, I have some additional details on my web site. If you employ these seven techniques carefully they will make an enormous impact on the sales of your ebook.

Daniel Moro has been successfully building online businesses for ten years. Download your free report on '10 Remarkably Effective Traffic Building Techniques' at http://www.DanielMoro.comEthel Blog11728
Filia Blog7623

Where's Your Retirement Money Invested?

Are you complaining about the high price for gasoline and the obscene profits of oil companies? If so, you might want to check your pension plan (401k, 403b, TSP, etc.) to see if you own their stock! Why would stockholders complain about profits at "their companies"? Could it be they're not aware they own stocks? This disconnect is because many workers and retirees put their money in employer-sponsored pension plans without really paying attention to where it's invested. It's going mostly into mutual funds whose underlying assets are stocks and bonds of domestic and foreign companies. Since many are unaware of where their money is invested, are they similarly unaware of the risk they're taking? Unfortunately, many are and this risk could spell big trouble over the horizon in retirement.

For those up to about age 50, this lack of attention to risk is not a major shortcoming because they have time on their side: time for market downturns to correct; time to increase contributions; time for the magic of triple compounding tax-deferral; time to adjust their savings/spending. Unfortunately, there is also time to develop habits that freeze them into their investment pattern. As you near or enter retirement, "time" becomes the enemy because there is not enough time for markets to correct, salaries to rise, and investment growth to occur. Yet, far too many, out of habit, still hold their retirement money in the same risky places. You must make lifecycle adjustments in your investments to lower risks as you near and enter retirement because there is less time to overcome setbacks. This hard lesson was most recently taught during 2000-2002. The previous stock market high was six years ago, or 30% of your retirement years ago. How long until we reach the previous high? The risk: no one knows!

At the end of 2005, approximately 90% of pension fund moneys were invested in assets whose value was determined by the financial markets - stocks, bonds, mutual funds and the like. According to one study, 39% of the 60 to 65 year old participants in 401(k) plans left their money in the plan upon retirement. What does this tell us? Many in their 60's and beyond are investing like they were still working and could afford the risk they're taking. Their do-it-as-always habit has prevented them from making the needed lifecycle investment changes. This could lead to their greatest fear: outliving their money.
The $14.5 trillion in pension plans is being eyed by Wall Street. They would like for you to put and leave your money in the market. That's why you don't get good advice from firms and people who manage and account for your retirement money: if you move it, they lose business. Accordingly, their answers regarding moving your retirement money to a safer place is always going to be "don't". It is in their best interest for you to keep it where it is. They're not taking the market risks that could wreck your retirement plans.

As has been stressed repeatedly, retirement is not a time to make money by taking risks but a time to keep what you've got by not taking risks. If you're in or near retirement, reduce risks by moving to safer places because you don't have time to recover from bad markets. The investment habits of a lifetime have prompted many to leave money in their employers' plans when they retire. This decision could be lethal if you can't afford the risk. The need to change investments in response to aging was well thought-out by our lawmakers as they provided for transfer of pension money so that risk could change in response to your lifecycle. The process is called "rolling over", and you should ask your financial advisor for my free DVD "Rolling Over Retirement Money: Good or Bad" which discusses the pros and cons of this topic.

Summers Asset Management Group
Russell D. Summers, CAC
Certified Annuity Consultant


Russell Summers, CACEvania Blog95242
Floris Blog42643

Ebook Review: The Part Time Plan


File Size: 2,387kb Zipped, 2,447kb Unzipped.
Number of Pages: 67
Format: Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
Subject: A guide to gaining massive success on the Internet through a part time effort.
Other Information: Can be bought with Jim Cockrum's other ebooks The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay and How to turn Auction Traffic into Cash as a discounted, package deal.


The author Jim Cockrum, is a self confessed eBay freak. He also runs "Creative Ebay Selling," the Internets largest eBay success newsletter with over 100,000 subscribers and growing by the day. Jim has helped launch multiple Internet businesses and has used the Internet as his sole source of income since 2002.


The Part Time Plan is Jim Cockrum's third Internet Marketing ebook. In The Part Time Plan Jim explains how you can make money on eBay utilising the "obvious strategy" and the "not so obvious strategy." The "obvious strategy" is just general selling of items on eBay. However, the "not so obvious strategy" involves implementing more creative strategies on eBay to make your money. The topics covered in The Part Time Plan include:

Proof of Jim's Online Income!!
Details of the Obvious Strategy!!
Details of the Not So Obvious Strategy!!
The tools you will need!!
Selling information products on eBay!!
Automating your eBay Information Business!!
Using eBay as a Marketing Tool!!
Using Amazon as a Marketing Tool!!

The Part Time Plan begins with Jim providing proof of his online income. If you have been a member of Jim's "Creative Ebay Selling" newsletter for some time or have previously read one of his ebooks then you probably know most of the information in this chapter. However, if you need proof of Jim's online credential then this chapter explains them very well. In the chapter Jim shows how he was ranked number one at ClickBank with his ebook The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay, and also the huge amount of traffic generated by his website, using screenshots as proof.

Next Jim moves on to describe the "Obvious Strategy" for making money on eBay. The obvious strategy is not the main strategy Jim wants to teach in The Part Time Plan, but he says it can make you money. According to Jim about 95% of eBay sellers implement the "Obvious Strategy" which is simply selling as many highly profitable items as you can. In this chapter Jim emphasises the importance of finding a niche if you are going to implement this strategy and also includes a very informative article on finding a product to sell on eBay or anywhere else online. He also provides links to his favourite wholesale sources where you can purchase products to sell online. Jim then goes on to provide a very valid criticism of the "obvious strategy" on eBay, and one which many people do not consider. Overall, I found this chapter very informative. If you sell on eBay and are not currently implementing more creative ideas to boost your income then this chapter highlights why you really should be. Jim explains his ideas very well, in a clear, concise fashion, and provides valid reasons as to why you should not limit yourself to this strategy.

Following this Jim goes on to explain the "Not so Obvious Strategy." In this chapter Jim explains how even if you use the "obvious strategy" that you can generate additional revenues by also implementing more creative ideas. Jim then goes on to explain identifies four types of sellers on eBay. The four seller types are those with; "Low Creativity and Low eBay Abandon", "High Creativity and Low eBay Abandon", "Low Creativity and High eBay Abandon" and "High Creativity and High eBay Abandon." In the Part Time Plan, Jim explains each of the four seller types and the various disadvantages of three of them. He then goes on to explain why the best type of seller to be is one with "High Creativity and High eBay Abandon." This section further highlights Jim's view that you should not just limit yourself to the "obvious strategy" on eBay. He outlines all the benefits of being an eBay seller with "High Creativity and High eBay Abandon" including extra free time and not being tied to eBay. Overall, I found this chapter to be another excellent section. Jim explains his "not so obvious strategy" by comparing it to the different types of seller you will find on eBay. By doing this, Jim really manages to highlight the benefits of his "not so obvious strategy" in comparison to those who solely operate "the obvious strategy," which include additional revenue for very little additional work and not being tied down to eBay.

Jim then moves on to explain how to implement the "not so obvious strategy" by selling information products. Jim begins this chapter by providing a list of products that have helped sellers achieve success using the "not so obvious strategy." He then goes on to explain why you should sell information products. The benefits include high profit margins, a high degree of automation and much more. Jim then moves on to explain how to get ideas for your own information product and how to test if your ideas will be successful. Next he lists a number of topics which are proven best sellers. Jim then moves on to explain how to sell more physical products (if you do already sell them) using information, and then he moves on to list some backend strategies to generate more sales. Jim then finishes the chapter with the story of his best selling ebook, The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay and how he achieved that success. Overall, this chapter provides a very good summary of how you can create your own information product. Although there are ebooks out there that focus solely on this topic and describe it in more detail, Jim explains how to get ideas for your information product and then how to use this information to be successful. He then summarises with the story of how he did it himself. Although it is not the most detailed information you can get, Jim puts it together in an easy to follow, easy to implement way which is ideal for those who are looking to sell their first information product.

The next chapter focuses on the tools you will need to create and sell your information product. For each of the tool types Jim outlines the following tools: DIY (Do It Yourself which is very cheap or free), DIY with Help (Do It Yourself with a bit of help which costs a bit more) and Full Service (Paying someone else to do the job, which is fast and easy but costs the most). In this chapter Jim outlines tools for the following tasks; Product Creation, PDF Creation, Ebook Cover Creation, Editing, Website Creation, Autoresponder (Email List Management), Accepting payments on eBay, Accepting payments on your own Website, Product Delivery after an eBay sale, Product Delivery from a Website and Customer Support. Overall, I found this chapter quite informative. I was already aware of some of the tools Jim mentioned but others are new to me, meaning that I have benefited in some way from this chapter.

In the final chapter Jim provides you with some tips for selling on eBay. These tips include; how to generate leads, what the best price points for selling your product are and when the best times to end your auctions. I have mixed feelings about this chapter. Some of the tips are excellent but some seem simply common sense.

Jim also includes three bonuses at the end of The Part Time Plan. The first is "Run your entire eBay business without ever logging on" which is a video by Jim explaining how you can do just what the title says. The second bonus is "Use the power of eBay as a marketing tool" where Jim explains two creative ideas to draw visitors from eBay to your website. Both of these bonuses are an excellent addition to the ideas in The Part Time Plan, as when implemented they allow you to save time and generate additional traffic. The third and final bonus is "Using Amazon to generate additional traffic" where Jim explains how you can use Amazon to get additional visitors to your website or eBay store.

Overall, The Part Time Plan is a good ebook for those who are beginners in the Internet Marketing world and have not read any of Jim's previous ebooks. However, if you have already created your product, or you are an avid follower of Jim and his work, then there is little new information for you here. Most (but not all) of the information in this ebook can be located in Jim's previous two ebooks The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay and The Part Time Plan and his "Creative Ebay Selling Newsletter." As a standalone product, The Part Time Plan is a very informative ebook that details how you can generate extra revenue using information. Jim explains all his ideas very clearly and backs them up with examples of how he has done it. If you are currently selling on eBay and looking for a way to generate extra revenue then The Part Time Plan is a good text to get you started. However, if you have been following Jim Cockrum for some time then you may have already been presented with the majority of the information within The Part Time Plan.


Teaches you how to be more creative on eBay to generate additional revenue.
Jim's ideas are explained clearly with relevant examples that beginners and experienced seller's can both follow.
Provides you with simple but effective methods to find an idea for your own information product.
Provides a comprehensive list of tools you will need to sell information products on eBay.


Some of the services Jim recommends require additional expenditure.
If you have been following and reading Jim's work for some time then you will find few new ideas inside The Part Time Plan.
There is a little bit too much self promotion of Jim's other products inside The Part Time Plan.


I didn't actually learn that much from The Part Time Plan as I have been a long time subscriber to Jim's newsletter and also have purchased his two previous ebooks The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay and How to turn Auction Traffic into Cash. However, I did come across a number of tools that I was previously unaware of through The Part Time Plan.

Tom Parker offers many impartial ebook reviews just like this one at his website Tom also runs a free newsletter for ebook sellers which you can join by sending an email to: Please include this bio when reprinting.Evvie Blog57616
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