Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Ebook Review: The Part Time Plan


File Size: 2,387kb Zipped, 2,447kb Unzipped.
Number of Pages: 67
Format: Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
Subject: A guide to gaining massive success on the Internet through a part time effort.
Other Information: Can be bought with Jim Cockrum's other ebooks The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay and How to turn Auction Traffic into Cash as a discounted, package deal.


The author Jim Cockrum, is a self confessed eBay freak. He also runs "Creative Ebay Selling," the Internets largest eBay success newsletter with over 100,000 subscribers and growing by the day. Jim has helped launch multiple Internet businesses and has used the Internet as his sole source of income since 2002.


The Part Time Plan is Jim Cockrum's third Internet Marketing ebook. In The Part Time Plan Jim explains how you can make money on eBay utilising the "obvious strategy" and the "not so obvious strategy." The "obvious strategy" is just general selling of items on eBay. However, the "not so obvious strategy" involves implementing more creative strategies on eBay to make your money. The topics covered in The Part Time Plan include:

Proof of Jim's Online Income!!
Details of the Obvious Strategy!!
Details of the Not So Obvious Strategy!!
The tools you will need!!
Selling information products on eBay!!
Automating your eBay Information Business!!
Using eBay as a Marketing Tool!!
Using Amazon as a Marketing Tool!!

The Part Time Plan begins with Jim providing proof of his online income. If you have been a member of Jim's "Creative Ebay Selling" newsletter for some time or have previously read one of his ebooks then you probably know most of the information in this chapter. However, if you need proof of Jim's online credential then this chapter explains them very well. In the chapter Jim shows how he was ranked number one at ClickBank with his ebook The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay, and also the huge amount of traffic generated by his website, using screenshots as proof.

Next Jim moves on to describe the "Obvious Strategy" for making money on eBay. The obvious strategy is not the main strategy Jim wants to teach in The Part Time Plan, but he says it can make you money. According to Jim about 95% of eBay sellers implement the "Obvious Strategy" which is simply selling as many highly profitable items as you can. In this chapter Jim emphasises the importance of finding a niche if you are going to implement this strategy and also includes a very informative article on finding a product to sell on eBay or anywhere else online. He also provides links to his favourite wholesale sources where you can purchase products to sell online. Jim then goes on to provide a very valid criticism of the "obvious strategy" on eBay, and one which many people do not consider. Overall, I found this chapter very informative. If you sell on eBay and are not currently implementing more creative ideas to boost your income then this chapter highlights why you really should be. Jim explains his ideas very well, in a clear, concise fashion, and provides valid reasons as to why you should not limit yourself to this strategy.

Following this Jim goes on to explain the "Not so Obvious Strategy." In this chapter Jim explains how even if you use the "obvious strategy" that you can generate additional revenues by also implementing more creative ideas. Jim then goes on to explain identifies four types of sellers on eBay. The four seller types are those with; "Low Creativity and Low eBay Abandon", "High Creativity and Low eBay Abandon", "Low Creativity and High eBay Abandon" and "High Creativity and High eBay Abandon." In the Part Time Plan, Jim explains each of the four seller types and the various disadvantages of three of them. He then goes on to explain why the best type of seller to be is one with "High Creativity and High eBay Abandon." This section further highlights Jim's view that you should not just limit yourself to the "obvious strategy" on eBay. He outlines all the benefits of being an eBay seller with "High Creativity and High eBay Abandon" including extra free time and not being tied to eBay. Overall, I found this chapter to be another excellent section. Jim explains his "not so obvious strategy" by comparing it to the different types of seller you will find on eBay. By doing this, Jim really manages to highlight the benefits of his "not so obvious strategy" in comparison to those who solely operate "the obvious strategy," which include additional revenue for very little additional work and not being tied down to eBay.

Jim then moves on to explain how to implement the "not so obvious strategy" by selling information products. Jim begins this chapter by providing a list of products that have helped sellers achieve success using the "not so obvious strategy." He then goes on to explain why you should sell information products. The benefits include high profit margins, a high degree of automation and much more. Jim then moves on to explain how to get ideas for your own information product and how to test if your ideas will be successful. Next he lists a number of topics which are proven best sellers. Jim then moves on to explain how to sell more physical products (if you do already sell them) using information, and then he moves on to list some backend strategies to generate more sales. Jim then finishes the chapter with the story of his best selling ebook, The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay and how he achieved that success. Overall, this chapter provides a very good summary of how you can create your own information product. Although there are ebooks out there that focus solely on this topic and describe it in more detail, Jim explains how to get ideas for your information product and then how to use this information to be successful. He then summarises with the story of how he did it himself. Although it is not the most detailed information you can get, Jim puts it together in an easy to follow, easy to implement way which is ideal for those who are looking to sell their first information product.

The next chapter focuses on the tools you will need to create and sell your information product. For each of the tool types Jim outlines the following tools: DIY (Do It Yourself which is very cheap or free), DIY with Help (Do It Yourself with a bit of help which costs a bit more) and Full Service (Paying someone else to do the job, which is fast and easy but costs the most). In this chapter Jim outlines tools for the following tasks; Product Creation, PDF Creation, Ebook Cover Creation, Editing, Website Creation, Autoresponder (Email List Management), Accepting payments on eBay, Accepting payments on your own Website, Product Delivery after an eBay sale, Product Delivery from a Website and Customer Support. Overall, I found this chapter quite informative. I was already aware of some of the tools Jim mentioned but others are new to me, meaning that I have benefited in some way from this chapter.

In the final chapter Jim provides you with some tips for selling on eBay. These tips include; how to generate leads, what the best price points for selling your product are and when the best times to end your auctions. I have mixed feelings about this chapter. Some of the tips are excellent but some seem simply common sense.

Jim also includes three bonuses at the end of The Part Time Plan. The first is "Run your entire eBay business without ever logging on" which is a video by Jim explaining how you can do just what the title says. The second bonus is "Use the power of eBay as a marketing tool" where Jim explains two creative ideas to draw visitors from eBay to your website. Both of these bonuses are an excellent addition to the ideas in The Part Time Plan, as when implemented they allow you to save time and generate additional traffic. The third and final bonus is "Using Amazon to generate additional traffic" where Jim explains how you can use Amazon to get additional visitors to your website or eBay store.

Overall, The Part Time Plan is a good ebook for those who are beginners in the Internet Marketing world and have not read any of Jim's previous ebooks. However, if you have already created your product, or you are an avid follower of Jim and his work, then there is little new information for you here. Most (but not all) of the information in this ebook can be located in Jim's previous two ebooks The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay and The Part Time Plan and his "Creative Ebay Selling Newsletter." As a standalone product, The Part Time Plan is a very informative ebook that details how you can generate extra revenue using information. Jim explains all his ideas very clearly and backs them up with examples of how he has done it. If you are currently selling on eBay and looking for a way to generate extra revenue then The Part Time Plan is a good text to get you started. However, if you have been following Jim Cockrum for some time then you may have already been presented with the majority of the information within The Part Time Plan.


Teaches you how to be more creative on eBay to generate additional revenue.
Jim's ideas are explained clearly with relevant examples that beginners and experienced seller's can both follow.
Provides you with simple but effective methods to find an idea for your own information product.
Provides a comprehensive list of tools you will need to sell information products on eBay.


Some of the services Jim recommends require additional expenditure.
If you have been following and reading Jim's work for some time then you will find few new ideas inside The Part Time Plan.
There is a little bit too much self promotion of Jim's other products inside The Part Time Plan.


I didn't actually learn that much from The Part Time Plan as I have been a long time subscriber to Jim's newsletter and also have purchased his two previous ebooks The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay and How to turn Auction Traffic into Cash. However, I did come across a number of tools that I was previously unaware of through The Part Time Plan.

Tom Parker offers many impartial ebook reviews just like this one at his website Tom also runs a free newsletter for ebook sellers which you can join by sending an email to: Please include this bio when reprinting.Evvie Blog57616
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