Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Opt-in Email Marketing, Your Affiliate Program and a Recruiting Reality

Written By John C Vincent

Once you have performed all the necessary steps to acquire an Opt-in Subscriber through proper Opt-in Email Marketing, i.e., created a Squeeze Page with your Opt-in form attached. Youll find that after a follow-up email campaign to your list. a percentage of these folks will take the opportunity to join your affiliate program.

If your program has a 15 or 30 day free trial listen up.

I received this email from an individual who had joined my team:

Hi John,

I have a couple of questions for you from my downline.

1. What type of letter do you send to your new trial members?

2. How do we convert the 30 day free trial people into paid members?

I've been sending just a short personal email but was wondering if you had an outline of something we could use. The second question is more important as we have one person who has signed up about 5 free members and we're wondering how to help convert them. Thanks for your help, John :-)

Warm regards,


LOL ...I've tried every welcome message I could ever think of and I have come to these conclusions. In my opinion there are 3 types of marketers who join affiliate programs:

Type1- The "OK ... We'll See" Referral"

This person joins every program and then...DOES NOTHING and he or she (mostly males) never answer your initial welcome email. And because they do nothing, they get nothing in return. And the weird thing...they wonder why the program didn't work...Go Figure :-)

Type2- The "I'm So Excited" Referral"

This person joins and is so over-excited and enthused that you become excited as well but Watch Out For This Person. This individual comes in 2 categories...the newbie...and the guy who moves from program to program, (similar to number 1 above BUT with enthusiasm). Then after 2 - 3 weeks have passed and they haven't made a mi!!ion bucks and it takes a little effort ... they drop out.

Type3- The "Let's Do This!!!" Referral"

This is YOU in other words, someone who is like YOU ...mature and a serious marketer and someone who knows that you have to build in order to make money. Someone who will Do Whatever It Takes to Succeed. This is the individual who WILL Make A Full Time Living from the internet. And it is this type of referral you want to fill your team with.

You'll get a lot of 1s and 2s and the gems, the number 3s, will come. Type 3s will make you rich. And're really lucky...your team is being filled with Type 3s...your duplicates. That doesn't happen didn't happen for me at first...and then I started getting less of the 1 and 2 and more of the number 3s and the they say...Is History.

So the answer to your question: :-)

It doesn't matter what you send as a welcome message as long as it is warm, friendly and offers assistance.

And to your second question:

You Convert a 30 day trial member by teaching, educating and The Giving Of Yourself.

Think of the things I have done for you and all who join my Team. My instant responses, my guidance, my tips, tricks and strategy...I hide nothing from you and there's more to come :-).

But let me ask you: Would you have taken me seriously in my welcome message to you...if I hadn't offered to help you Fr ee Of Charge, with NO CATCHES, No Strings Attached Initially...I was Sincere in wanting to help YOU...and you felt this sincerity and your referrals must feel this from you as well.

The REAL Secret To Internet Success:

Giving NOT Taking...Educating NOT trying to make a deal...Recommending

NOT Selling.

You might try to Sell to a Stranger but you should always Recommend to a Friend.
(yeah I created that phrase and you can steal it lol)

To Give Of Yourself...Unselfishly! This is how you convert the 30 day free trials. You may not get all of them but youll get a higher percentage with this very unselfish strategy than without it.

Opt-in Email Marketing and the elements incorporated in this procedure makes it a Sweet Science (sorry boxing enthusiasts :-) that ALL Internet Marketers should learn at the very beginning of their marketing career, that is... if they truly wish to Succeed ...


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John C. Vincent runs The Opt In Marketing System Web-site which provides Free Downloads, easy-to-follow free guidelines on how to build a massive Opt-in list that will continuously make you money online. Content Rich.Vanny Blog69142
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